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Mix & Munch

Coffee Semifreddo

Ice-cream/semifreddo/affogato are my most favourite desert dishes - I can eat ice-cream any season, any time, from the tube, or a cone, or a cup or a dish, and although rather late to the party, last year I started making ice-creams & semifreddo's and have been reluctant to buy any shop ones since!

Whenever we have made this for dinner-parties -  the guests always want the recipe! A simple, easy (takes 15 minutes to make by my 10 year old daughter!) and delicious dish

Coffee Semifreddo

Serves 8

1 tbsp instant coffee

1 tbsp Tia Maria or brandy (or 2 tbsp Baileys)

4 large eggs, separated

100g golden caster sugar

300ml pot double cream

100g pack of Crunchie/Toblerone/Mint or Orange Matchmakers (broken into pieces - however big or small you wish!)

Chocolate flake pieces to decorate (or chocolate coffee beans) and sieved cocoa powder

1. Line a 1-litre loaf tin with greaseproof paper.

2. Put the coffee, alcohol, egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and stir to dissolve the coffee then beat until thick and leaving a trail.

3. Put the egg whites in a large bowl and beat until stiff with an electric whisk.

4. Beat the cream until it holds its shape. 6. Fold the cream into the coffee mixture, then carefully fold in the whites.

7. Fold through the chosen pieces of chocolate and tip the mixture into the loaf tin.

8. Lightly cover the surface with cling film.

7. To serve, unwrap and turn onto a platter - 15-20 minutes before eating. Take off the cling film and greaseproof paper and serve topped with flakes of chocolate or small sparklers!

Add any chocolate to this that you (or your guests particularly enjoy) - smarties/pieces of flake/chopped pieces of snickers/dark chocolate orange....
You can spray edible gold spray on the greaseproof paper on the inside of the loaf tin before adding the mixture or even silver/gold small edible balls.

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