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Double Chocolate Mug Cake

Mix & Munch

This super quick, gooey, chocolate mug cake, is fun to make, easy and tastes so good!

A great way to start the Easter holidays or break your lent fast!

You can use a variety of chocolate - milk, dark or white 
You can add in some additional chocolate treats - M&M's, Maltese's, Crunchie Bar etc...
If you like coffee and chocolate add in half a teaspoon of coffee granules or if you prefer peanut butter add in a spoonful...or maple syrup....

Double Chocolate Mug Cake –

(makes 1 large mug-cake)



2 tbsp SR flour (sieved)

2 tbsp caster sugar

1 tbsp cocoa (sieved)

1 egg

1 tbsp chocolate chips

2 tbsp milk

1 tbsp syrup

1 Large Mug!



1.       Mix all the ingredients together in the bowl add into the mug

2.      Cook for 2 minutes and 20 seconds in a 900w microwave

3. Enjoy with crème fraiche (takes out some of the sweetness!) or ice- cream to add to the sweetness!

Happy Easter to all the Mix & Munch Cooks and their families

This will rise up and make double - so more than enough for 2-3 cooks!


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