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Three Mini Quiche Lorraine's

Mix & Munch

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

...we loved making Quiche Lorraine for our French themed classes last week - and making these mini ones are perfect for a snack or to take on a picnic. You can add anything in them...

We also have some interesting responses to the question - What is baking blindly ? From closing your eyes and putting your cakes into the oven to not baking the pasty at all! Our cooks were not familiar with the term "Soggy Bottom!"

You can be extra diligent and make the dough but shop bought dough is just as good and far less messy!

To make 3 quiches-

Ready-made shortcrust pastry

¼ medium onion and 1 clove of garlic

3 tbsp of milk

1 slice of ham

1 egg

Dried oregano - 1/4tsp

Ground pepper

2 small tomatoes - halved

Sprinkling of grated cheese

Other Flavours:

Pea, leek & mozzarella
Bacon & egg
Feta & fig
Mozzarella, Basil & Tomato
Chicken, thyme, bell peppers & pancetta

1. Pre-prepare the onion mix - 1/4 medium onion and 1 garlic clove - fry in butter and blend

2. Flour Board

3. Cut out 3 pastry rounds with the ready rolled pastry and put in the pastry cases

4. Put a few fork marks in the pastry case and then cook at 200 Fan for 10 minutes

5. In a small bowl add the onion/garlic mixture to the milk

6. Mix in the egg

7. Add in chopped up ham (according to taste)

8. Add 1/4 tsp dried oregano

9. Add some pepper

10. Divide the mixture between the 3 cases

11. Top each one with 1/2 cherry tomato

12. Sprinkle on grated cheese

13. Cook at 200 Fan for 10-15 minutes


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